Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bag-a-lope tutorial

Boy, oh boy! I don't know why but I had to film this tutorial several times. Okay, maybe I do know why. I talk to much!! I keep running over the 10 minutes allowed by youtube. I think I need to get myself an egg timer to keep myself on track. In the future, you can chuckle as you hear the tick tick tick of the timer. And don't fall off your chair when you hear me talk 100mph for the last 30 seconds.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and give it a try. The bag-a-lope, silly. Not falling off the chair laughing at me.

I've got to go. I'm listening to sneak peeks of the new catalog. And they're sooooo good.

Oops .Don't forget to check out the retiring list and the inventory reduction sale. Details below or click on the link on the left at my SU site. The offer for free shipping for orders over $50 ends on Sunday. You must contact me if you want to take advantage of this offer!

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